888.329.3002 Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM 145 North Leja Drive When Time is Critical... We Shine!
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ISO 9001:2015
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Kepco team member Bill Hochstetler

Bill Hochstetler



I began working at KEPCO in February of 1989 as General Manager. Within 5 years I became Vice President and General Manager. Within 10 years our sales went from $30,000 per month to $2.2 million per year. KEPCO was on the cutting edge of high volume automotive fuel injector parts deburring and passivating. 

In 1997 I purchased the company from the owner, Jon Bowers. In 2000 because of the terrorist attack on NYC, we lost 60% of our business. The next four years were difficult. With hard work and dedicated employees, we survived and in 2004 we bought a new property and moved from Portage to Vicksburg. We built a brand new 25,000 sq. ft. building and specifically designed it to be DNR/DEQ friendly with containment and sound wastewater treatment practices. Since we have been in Vicksburg, we have slowly grown to our current level of $1.6 million in annual sales.

I have a wonderful and dedicated workforce that allows me to be semi-retired. The Plant, Sales, and Office Manager have been running the day to day business part of the operation. Business has been great and reflects the current economic barometers of the American economy. 

Contact Info

Phone : 888-329-3002 x102
Email : bill@kepcoinc.com